
Did I Achieve My 2019 Goals And Aspirations?

Did I Achieve My 2019 Goals And Aspirations?

Around this time last year I was writing my 2019 Goals and Aspirations post, and I thought it would be a good idea to take a look back at this post 1 year on to see how well I did…

Here we go!

What were my 2019 New Years resolutions?

  • To be less angry and upset unnecessarily
  • To save £1,000 overall
  • To restart my blog and YouTube channel
  • To work on myself, improving my mental and physical health
  • To remember to take my vitamins correctly every day
  • To walk more, and get the bus less
  • To spend less money on stuff I don’t need
  • To film 1 second every day
  • To take 1 photo every day

So… Going through these, I can already see where I succeeded, and where I let myself down.

To be less angry and upset unnecessarily

I think I’ve done quite well at this one. Aside from the first two weeks after I moved out of my parents home and into my own little flat where myself and my boyfriend really struggled to get on with each other, I can’t remember a time this year I’ve got overly angry and upset for no reason. This is great and something I will continue to progress with over and over every year.

To save £1,000 overall

I achieved this! I did it! I actually did it! And then it immediately went towards a flat deposit and buying the necessary bits and pieces for it! But, I did it! So that means next year I can do it again.

Although, I did say this was going to be through the 1 Penny A Day challenge, and this only lasted until I hit my goal of £1k. Which is fair enough. I would like to stick to it for the whole of next year though! I will be using a handy Monzo IFTTT so it does this automatically instead of me having to keep track in a spreadsheet like this year!

To restart my blog and YouTube channel

I can safely say I successfully restarted my blog and YouTube channel. I did set up a blog schedule and had about half a years worth of posts planned out, but I just couldn’t find myself sticking to this kind of plan so I’ve decided to wing it instead. It’s going well! I bought my domain, I have a nice theme and I’m enjoying what I’m producing.

However, I didn’t restart my YouTube channel but this is something I’m going to be working towards in the New Year… So watch this space!

To work on myself, improving my mental and physical health

I’ll let you in to a little secret here. I’m actually the heaviest I’ve ever been, but that doesn’t mean I’m the unhealthiest. I’m eating good food and I’m exercising regularly (more on this later). My mental health took a little tumble when I first moved out but I’m actually feeling a lot better than I was at the beginning of the year and I’m so excited to see what “being an adult” does for me!

To remember to take my vitamins correctly every day

Errr… What vitamins? Oh well. I’m eating a lot better than I used to so I don’t really need vitamins daily anymore. Something I do need to work on though is remembering to take my contraception every day. I’ve changed the time on when I take my pill which is a lot more convenient for my new lifestyle now I’ve moved out!

To walk more and get the bus less

Yes! I did this! In a round-a-bout way! I started walking to work early on in the year and then my knee injury made me stop again. The journey was too long and too hilly for my knee to cope with.

I now live closer to work (a 25 min walk instead of an hour) and I walk to and from work every day! I get the bus to my parents house but otherwise I’m trying to walk to as many places as I can. I will build up strength again!

To spend less money on stuff I don’t need

Definitely something I still need to work on in the New Year, but also something I’ve definitely got better at. Most of my money goes on bills now! I’m left with “spending money” which goes on food shopping mostly, and a few treats here and there.

To film 1 second every day

This went down the pan in the space of 3 months. I simply do not have an interesting life, and I get bored filming me walking or eating. It would be great to see my year wrapped up in a nice little video bow but it’s just not entertaining enough to motivate me.

To take 1 photo every day

Again… this went down the pan. I couldn’t keep up with it and I got a new phone and lost all the photos anyway.

I’ll be sharing my 2020 Goals and Aspirations before the New Year, but I want to know… How well did you do with your New Years Resolutions? Do you set them?

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